I tried Move With Nicole’s at home pilates workouts for a month. If you love pilates and love working out at home, you’ve probably come across Move With Nicole.  She’s most known for her YouTube channel where she has over 1 Million subscribers, but can also be found on Instagram, TikTok, or her website.  She’s a SUCH a beautiful girl and she’s also extremely fit.  This is my review and my results after following her workouts for a month.

Nicole’s Style of Pilates Workout

I would describe her style of workouts as mat pilates workouts with a little bit of yoga influence and elements, so if you like a little bit of yoga fused with pilates, you will probably love her workouts. If you are looking for a more classical style of Pilates this may not be right for you, however, I still feel like it can work because it’s definitely heavier on pilates with just a very light touch of yoga.  

Pace of Workout

I found her workouts to be challenging yet surprisingly calming and soothing at the same time.  They are predominantly low impact, low intensity, however I still work up a really good sweat each time because her workouts require a lot of strength and mind muscle connection in order to perform them properly.  I DO think if you want to get the most out of her workouts, and just Pilates home workouts in general, it’s better to take a few in-person lessons with an instructor first.  

Pros and Cons of Move with Nicole

I DEFINITELY felt the burn, even on her beginner workouts.  She does have some high intensity workouts available but I feel that it’s not her focus.  I found that she gives really good voice instruction, so it was easy to follow along with her workouts without constantly having to look at the screen.  She has the cutest accent and a very soothing voice.  Perhaps that’s why I found her workouts to have a calming effect?  I left each workout just feeling really good afterwards, both mentally and physically.  

She has a good variety of beginner and intermediate workouts, with occasional advanced workouts.  Her workouts range anywhere from 5 minutes to 1 hour.  

I love that with most of her workouts, she doesn’t do super long intros and instead gets into the workout pretty quickly. It’s great that she has enough variety of workouts that each day I can choose one based on where I am at with my fitness level and at the pace that I need.  Also, I love that workouts are free!

I found a workout schedule on her Instagram page but it has not been updated since November. I would have liked a schedule to follow along with. Maybe she tried and it didn’t catch on with her community?

 Most of her workouts don’t require any equipment other than your pilates mat.  However, she does have a decent amount of workouts using light equipment such as hand weights or a mini band if you need added resistance. She also offers some barre and yoga workouts. 

Getting into a Consistent Pilates Routine

If you’ve watched my recent YouTube videos, you know that I am getting back into a consistent routine after recovering from an injury as well as just getting REALLY off track from lack of motivation and loss of discipline.  I’m SOOO glad that I started my new journey with Nicole, because I found her workouts extremely enjoyable and leaving me with wanting more, which made me look forward to working out again with her every day.  This made it easier for me to get back into a consistent workout routine again!

Even though I have previous pilates training, because it’s been so long and I’m WAY out of shape, I started with her shorter, 10-30 minute workouts until the end of week one, where I felt more comfortable amping it up to her longer workouts.  I also started with her most popular videos and stuck with her no equipment pilates workouts initially.  Towards the end of the month I tried some of her workouts with weights and with the mini band, and I ABSOLUTELY loved them!

I always felt that Pilates workouts is where mini band can really shine.  I’ve used mini bands for various workouts including high intensity, and I hate when it rolls up in the middle of a fast paced workout and I have to stop my workout to fix it so that I don’t miss the entire set.  With pilates I feel like this happens less and that it’s just the right pace for a mini band. With that being said, if you want to get the full effect of what Nicole’s workouts have to offer, I highly recommend trying one of her workouts with hand weights or the mini band.  

My Pilates Results

I started this journey with this question in mind:  is Pilates enough of an exercise to get me to my fitness goals?  My goal is to slim down a little, and I want to be strong without feeling sore and exhausted every day….fit but not overly muscular.  I want to feel as enegetic as possible. Can Pilates and a healthy diet alone accomplish this?

This is a question I will continue to explore this year, but so far things seem to be going in the right direction.

After a month of doing pilates at home with Move With Nicole, I lost both  weight and inches! My starting weight was 134 lbs, and my ending weight is 129. I also lost an inch off of my hips and a quarter inch off of my waist. Not bad for just one month of pilates! I contribute my results to being consistent with my pilates workouts this month as well as eating in a calorie deficit of around 500 calories per day.

Because I dealt with an injury this year with my knee and I was also experiencing a lot of back pain from an old back injury I had several years ago when I pulled my back muscle in the gym, my body was feeling very out of wack entering into this.  Nicole’s workouts really eliminated my back pain and her workouts feel safe enough where I didn’t feel any fear of hurting my injured knee. 

Have you tried Move With Nicole’s at home pilates workouts? What was your experience? Do you have other home pilates workouts that you recommend? Let me know in the comments!

Move With Nicole Popular Pilates Videos

Move With Nicole Pilates Workouts With Weights

Move With Nicole Pilates Mini Band Workouts

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Thank you so much for stopping by! I am a pilates and fitness enthusiast who lives in Honolulu, Hawaii. I am a girlie girl, and love Athleisure wear and cute fashionable outfits. My favorite Athletic Wear right now is lululemon! Visit me often to keep up with my fitness journey and for workout wear and fashion inspiration.